Jackson Wagner

A full-stack developer.

About Me

Hello, I'm Jackson Wagner and I'm a full-stack developer. I started my programming pursuit in 2007 at 12 years old. When I first started to learn to program, I had developed a relatively bad looking website that was a homage to the video game series Command and Conquer by Westwood Studios. A lot of my technological pursuits came from my love for Command and Conquer. Eventually it evolved past that into a love for programming. After my time modding Command and Conquer games, I began writing mods for Minecraft and even custom themes for websites using GreaseMonkey to run custom JavaScript.

Eventually these skills came together into my current knowledge about SQL database management and administration, modern CSS practices, and advanced interactive JavaScript. Many of my projects take advantage of these skills. Eventually I evolved from mini-projects and fan projects to fully featured websites and web applications.

Languages, Libraries, and Skills
  • PHP 5.3 to Current
  • HTML and Website Design
  • JavaScript (Browser and Node.js)
  • CSS
  • Sass
  • Java
Please be mindful that this list is not complete. Every new library or language is an opportunity to learn. I may not have listed all of them.

My Projects

Dead Frontier Contracts and Projects

Task: Perform updates to Dead Frontier to benefit the end-user.

Working on Dead Frontier taught me how to work with a team of many different backgrounds and world views. We regularly worked with legacy software and made use of implementing modern programming practices in a fun and inclusive way. The experience gained from working on Dead Frontier has been invaluable. I appreciate everything that I was able to achieve working on Dead Frontier as well as the friends I made along the way.

>Flash Replacement

>Item-for-Item Trading



>Collection Book

>Minor Additions


Task: Taking raw information from Dead Frontier (Online Game) and making it easy to view and use.

Dead Frontier is the largest massively multiplayer online survival game set in a zombie apocalypse. DFProfiler (DFP) is provided as a third-party companion site for dynamic tracking of player load-outs, statistics, and locations; real-time updates of in-game bosses, missions, and outpost-attacks; plus numerous other game data and query tools.

Main Website


DFP's main website consists of a list of top players from the current week listed in order of their scores. The information available on user profiles is pulled from Dead Frontier and parsed in a way that is easily accessible through JSON. Part of this is also including custom CSS that users can use to make their profiles more appealing in their own eyes.


DFP's backend takes advantage of a MySQL database to automatically record, update, and track user information. This information is pulled directly from Dead Frontier and automatically modified to be used in JavaScript as JSON data objects.

The Bossmap


The bossmap's frontend uses a table constructed in PHP, populated in JavaScript, and stylized through accompanying CSS files. This grid-like view allows users to view and track bosses, players, and ongoing events in Dead Frontier.


The backend for the bossmap takes data directly from Dead Frontier in a way that isn't accessible to average users. It parses this data into convenient JSON that various bots, programs, and my frontend uses to display all the information for users to take advantage of.

Undead Dawn

Task: Create an MMORPG Backend and Interface.

Undead Dawn was a project I was working on with my co-developer Clayton. I was placed in charge of handling the tasks listed below.

  • Database Management
  • User Login
  • Client-to-Server Communication
  • Web Design
  • Server Security

My Services

  • Basic
  • A simple website that takes advantage of basic JavaScript and HTML.
  • Email Support
  • Advanced
  • An advanced website with strong use of PHP, HTML, and JavaScript.
  • Email Support
  • Flash Conversion
  • Recreate parts of your website in PHP, HTML, and JavaScript.
  • Email Support
  • Full Rewrite
  • I'll remake your entire website using modern practices.
  • Direct Contact Support
Please contact the email address listed below for a quote.

Contact Me

Email: jackson@jacksonwagner.me

Discord: hotrods